Arrowhead & Somerset

System Status - 2024 Season

Arrowhead & Somerset subdivisions ON

Update 7/9/2024-Somerset/Arrowhead Irrigation will be turned on today. An even/odd watering schedule is required. Please be aware that power outages that affect our wells will mean we have to shut off the irrigation with little or no notice. We hope to have one of our down wells operational by this time next week. This should eliminate the need for future shutdowns. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions or comments.

Jason Wick 541-410-8568




Update 7/8/2024- Arrowhead/Somerset Irrigation Alert-Weekend power outages caused drops in water storage and turning on irrigation water could cause domestic water outages.  The irrigation water for that area will be on as soon as supplies have rebounded.


Dear Somerset / Arrowhead Irrigation Customers, 


Last week there were two unexpected well failures that caused system wide issues. We shut off the irrigation last Friday to help mitigate a large pressure swing that developed after the well failures. We hope to have the irrigation water on starting Tuesday, July, 2nd and continuing through Friday, July 5th.  Because the two wells are out of commission, we will have to shut off the irrigation water over the weekend to ensure we do not run out of drinking water. We are still investigating the causes of the well failures and the pressure swings.  As we learn more we may  change the schedule.  Please watch our website and sign up for text alerts to receive the latest information. Thank you for your patience. – Jason Wick